International Scientific Conference
2021 Radiation and Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves RSEMW
June 28 - July 2, 2021, Divnomorskoe, Russia
Conference Proceedings are published! Please, click the link.
Conference Photos can be found here!
June 28 - July 2, 2021 Southern Federal University held international scientific conference «2019 Radiation and scattering of electromagnetic waves RSEMW» on the picturesque shore of the Black Sea in cozy town of Divnomorskoe, Krasnodar region. The Conference were devoted to discussion of timely theoretical researches and newest technical achievements in area of antennas, electromagnetism, SHF devices, radio waves propagation and signal processing.
RSEMW conferences have been being held by Department of Antennas and Radio Transmitting Devices since 1999 and traditionally takes place on the Gelendzhik Bay of the Black Sea, Russia. In 2021, as well as in 2017 and 2019, the conference were technically supported by IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (IEEE AP-S). In 2019 members of IEEE Russia Section Antennas and Propagation Society Chapter-Rostov, the first technical chapter of IEEE AP-S on the South of Russia took active part in organization of the event.
More than 100 scientists from all over the country came to Divnomorskoe in June 2021 to share their experience and gain new knowledge during RSEWM-2019. As much as 117 original scientific reports were made by participants of the conference from various universities, research centers and industry, covering the whole country from Kaliningrad (the very West) to Krasnoyarsk (the very East), from Archangelsk (the very North) to Krasnodar (well-known South). As the result, conference proceedings were published on IEEE Xplore Digital Library and indexed by Scopus.
A student poster competition was held at the RSEMW-2021. The poster session was organized for the second day of the conference, after the oral sessions. This poster session was intended for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students. Participants prepared posters with visual representations of their original research. During the session, the students were standing by their posters, and each participant was interviewed, and the jury of TPC and other participants in the conference evaluated the posters. So the First Prize of the Competition was given to Vladislav S. Savostin, the Second Prize was given to Daria Titova, and the Third Prize was won by Yaroslav V. Nevstruev.
Of course, one must admit that it was not the easiest task ever to organize the conference in such difficult times for all the mankind (COVID-2019). But at such a time, the role of science in the development of humanity, the importance of advanced technologies in our life, in its optimization and improvement, is more than noticeable. And it can be said with complete confidence that it is science, advanced technologies and breakthrough research, which are carried out by the joint efforts of various scientists all over the world, that help humanity to overcome difficult times, adapt to them and get through them as soon as possible!
RSEMW-2023 has been writing its history since 1999 and traditionally takes place on the Gelendzhik Bay of the Black Sea, Russia. The aim of the conference is to discuss the latest achievements and developments in the sphere of electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering, to present the results of the theoretical investigation and practical application covering the area of electromagnetism, radio waves, propagation and antennas, and to share ideas about the future investigation into the area of microwaves, antennas and radiation and scattering of electromagnetic waves.
The Conference will take place in a beautiful city of Gelendzhik on the Black Sea Shore. Clear blue lagoon in the Gelendzhik Bay that is surrounded with picturesque mountains of Markotkh Range create unique atmosphere for both productive work and pleasant leisure.
Proceedings of the Conference RSEMW-2017 and RSEMW-2019 were indexed in Scopus and Web of Science data bases.
- Conference Organizing Committee has already started preparation for the RSEMW-2023!
Deadline for on-line paper submission: | March 27, 2023 |
Paper acceptance notification: | May 3, 2023 |
Full paper submission (revised): | May 31, 2023 |
Conference dates: | June 26 - 30, 2023 |
RSEMW-2021 has been writing its history since 1999 and traditionally takes place on the Gelendzhik Bay of the Black Sea, Russia. The aim of the conference is to discuss the latest achievements and developments in the sphere of electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering, to present the results of the theoretical investigation and practical application covering the area of electromagnetism, radio waves, propagation and antennas, and to share ideas about the future investigation into the area of microwaves, antennas and radiation and scattering of electromagnetic waves.
The Conference will take place in a beautiful city of Gelendzhik on the Black Sea Shore. Clear blue lagoon in the Gelendzhik Bay that is surrounded with picturesque mountains of Markotkh Range create unique atmosphere for both productive work and pleasant leisure.
Proceedings of the Conference RSEMW-2017 and RSEMW-2019 were indexed in Scopus and Web of Science data bases.
- Conference Organizing Committee has already started preparation for the RSEMW-2021!
Deadline for on-line paper submission: | March 29, 2021 |
Paper acceptance notification: | May 3, 2021 |
Full paper submission (revised): | May 31, 2021 |
Conference dates: | June 28 - July 2, 2021 |